Meaning and origin of the name Vuk

Gender: Male

Vuk is used in

Bulgaria Serbia


Vuk is a strong and unique name of Serbian origin. In Serbian, the name Vuk means "wolf," symbolizing courage, strength, and loyalty. The name has a rich history in Serbian culture, often associated with bravery and resilience. It is a popular name for boys in Serbia and other Slavic countries.

The name Vuk has a fierce and powerful connotation, reflecting the noble characteristics of the wolf in nature. Choosing the name Vuk for a child may signify a hope for them to embody the qualities of a wolf: independence, intelligence, and a strong sense of family and community.

If you are considering naming your child Vuk, you are choosing a name with deep cultural roots and a strong, masculine energy. It is a name that carries a sense of pride and heritage, making it a meaningful choice for any family looking for a name that is both traditional and distinctive.
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