Meaning and origin of the name Vytautas

Vytautas is used in


Countries where Vytautas has name day

Vytautas is present in the name day calendar in Lithuania and Vytautas's name day is January 5.
Vytautas is present in the name day calendar in Lithuania and Vytautas's name day is September 8.


Vytautas is a masculine Lithuanian name with origins in the Baltic region. The name is derived from the Old Lithuanian name Vytautas, which is composed of the elements "vyti" meaning "to chase" or "to pursue," and "tautas" meaning "people" or "nation." Therefore, Vytautas can be interpreted to mean "one who pursues the people" or "one who leads the nation." This name carries connotations of leadership, strength, and determination.

In Lithuanian history, Vytautas the Great, also known as Vytautas the Great, was one of the most prominent rulers of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania in the 14th and 15th centuries. He was celebrated for his military victories, expansion of territory, and support for cultural and economic development. As a result, the name Vytautas is often associated with power, wisdom, and legacy.

The name Vytautas reflects a rich cultural heritage and a strong connection to Lithuanian history. It continues to be a popular name in Lithuania and among individuals of Lithuanian descent around the world. With its noble meaning and historical significance, Vytautas remains a timeless and meaningful choice for those seeking a name that symbolizes leadership and strength.
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