Meaning and origin of the name Václav

Václav is used in

Czechia Slovakia

Countries where Václav has name day

Václav is present in the name day calendar in Czechia and Václav's name day is September 28.
Václav is present in the name day calendar in Slovakia and Václav's name day is September 28.


Václav is a male given name of Slavic origin, particularly popular in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. The name is derived from the Slavic elements "ves" meaning "more" and "slava" meaning "glory", therefore the name Václav is often interpreted as "more glory" or "glorious ruler".

In Czech culture, Václav is associated with Saint Wenceslaus, the patron saint of the Czech lands. Saint Wenceslaus, also known as Svatý Václav in Czech, was a revered figure in Czech history known for his piety and leadership. He is celebrated on September 28 each year in the Czech Republic as a national holiday known as St. Wenceslas Day.

The name Václav has a strong historical and cultural significance in the Czech Republic, often seen as a symbol of strength, honor, and righteousness. It is a name that carries a sense of tradition and pride among Czech speakers. Nameday celebrations for Václav are held in honor of Saint Wenceslaus and are an important part of Czech naming customs.

Overall, Václav is a dignified and timeless name with deep roots in Slavic history and mythology. Its rich heritage and noble connotations make it a popular choice for parents looking for a name with historical significance and cultural value.
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