Meaning and origin of the name Väiko

Gender: Male
Also available in Estonian,

Väiko is used in


Countries where Väiko has name day

Väiko is present in the name day calendar in Estonia and Väiko's name day is January 9.
Väiko is present in the name day calendar in Estonia and Väiko's name day is August 7.


Origin and Meaning

The name Vaiko is of Finnish origin. It is a unique and uncommon name that is not commonly used. The meaning of the name Vaiko is not well-documented or widely known, due to its rarity. However, Finnish names often have deep cultural or historical significance, so Vaiko may have a special meaning that is not widely publicized.


In Finland, namedays are traditionally celebrated based on the feast days of saints in the Christian calendar. However, since Vaiko is not a common name with a known saint associated with it, it is unlikely to have a designated nameday.

Overall, the name Vaiko is a distinctive choice for parents looking for a name that is unique and carries a sense of mystery and individuality. Its Finnish origin adds a touch of cultural flair, making it a special name for anyone who bears it.
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