Meaning and origin of the name Väino

Gender: Male
Also available in Estonian,

Väino is used in

Estonia Finland

Countries where Väino has name day

Väino is present in the name day calendar in Estonia and Väino's name day is Februari 17.
Väino is present in the name day calendar in Estonia and Väino's name day is June 26.
Väino is present in the name day calendar in Finland and Väino's name day is Februari 17.


Origin: Finnish
Meaning: The name Vaino is of Finnish origin and is derived from the word "vaino", which means 'persecution' or 'harassment'.

Nameday: In Finland, Vaino does not have a designated nameday.

The name Vaino carries a strong and powerful meaning, reflecting resilience and endurance in the face of challenges. Its Finnish roots give it a unique and distinctive flair, making it a noteworthy choice for those seeking a name with character and depth.
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