Meaning and origin of the name Wiktoryn‎

Gender: Male
Also available in Bulgarian, Polish,

Wiktoryn‎ is used in

Bulgaria Poland

Countries where Wiktoryn‎ has name day

Wiktoryn‎ is present in the name day calendar in Poland and Wiktoryn‎'s name day is December 2.

Origin and Meaning of the Name Wiktoryn

The name Wiktoryn is of Slavic origin, derived from the name Victor which means "conqueror" or "victorious" in Latin. It carries the strong and powerful connotation of overcoming obstacles and achieving success.

Popularity and Usage

While Wiktoryn is not as common as some other names, it holds a unique and distinguished charm. It is a rare choice that stands out for its strength and historical significance.


Namedays for Wiktoryn may vary depending on cultural and regional traditions. If celebrated, it is typically in honor of St. Victor, a revered Christian martyr.

Celebrities and Namesakes

As a distinctive name, Wiktoryn may not have many well-known figures associated with it. However, individuals bearing this name often embody qualities of resilience, determination, and victory.

Overall Impression

Wiktoryn exudes a sense of strength and triumph, making it a compelling choice for those seeking a name with a profound meaning. Its uniqueness adds a touch of individuality and character that sets it apart from more common names.
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