Meaning and origin of the name Xénia

Gender: Female
Also available in Hungarian,

Xénia is used in

Denmark Austria Switzerland Hungary Romania Slovakia

Countries where Xénia has name day

Xénia is present in the name day calendar in Austria and Xénia's name day is January 12.
Xénia is present in the name day calendar in Hungary and Xénia's name day is July 29.
Xénia is present in the name day calendar in Romania and Xénia's name day is January 24.
Xénia is present in the name day calendar in Slovakia and Xénia's name day is June 2.

Xénia: Origin and Meaning

Xénia is a name of Greek origin that carries a rich history and significance. In Greek, the name Xénia (Ξένια) is derived from the word "xenos," which means "foreigner" or "guest." This name is often associated with the concept of hospitality and kindness towards strangers.

Historical Significance

Throughout history, hospitality was highly valued in Greek culture, and the name Xénia reflects this tradition. In ancient Greece, Xénia was a social custom that emphasized the importance of welcoming and treating guests with respect and generosity.

Modern Interpretation

In modern times, the name Xénia is often chosen for its unique sound and connection to the virtues of hospitality and friendliness. Individuals named Xénia are believed to possess qualities of warmth, openness, and a welcoming nature.


The name Xénia is celebrated for its cultural roots and the values it represents. Whether used as a first name or a middle name, Xénia continues to hold a special place in the hearts of those who appreciate its meaning and historical significance.
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