Meaning and origin of the name Yoan

Gender: Male

Yoan is used in


Countries where Yoan has name day

Yoan is present in the name day calendar in Bulgaria and Yoan's name day is January 7.

Origin and Meaning of the Name Yoan

The name Yoan has origins in various cultures and languages. In Hebrew, it is derived from the name Yochanan, meaning "Yahweh is gracious." In Bulgarian, Yoan is a variant of the name Ivan, which comes from the Greek name Ioannes, ultimately derived from the Hebrew Yochanan. This name has strong biblical roots and is associated with several important figures in religious history.

Popularity and Variants

The name Yoan is less common compared to other variants such as John, Ian, or Ivan. However, it carries a unique and meaningful significance for those who bear it. Variants of Yoan can be found in different cultures and languages, each with its own pronunciation and spelling.

Character Traits

People named Yoan are often described as compassionate, kind-hearted, and thoughtful individuals. They tend to have a strong sense of empathy and are known for their willingness to help others in need. Yoan is associated with qualities such as wisdom, grace, and humility.

Famous Individuals Named Yoan

Throughout history, several notable individuals have borne the name Yoan or its variants. These individuals have made significant contributions to various fields, including literature, science, and the arts. While Yoan may not be as widely recognized as some other names, its bearers have left a lasting impact on society.

In conclusion, the name Yoan holds a rich history and profound meaning across different cultures. Whether you choose this name for its biblical significance or its unique sound, Yoan carries a sense of grace and generosity that resonates with many.
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