Meaning and origin of the name Yordan‎

Gender: Male
Also available in Bulgarian,

Yordan‎ is used in


Countries where Yordan‎ has name day

Yordan‎ is present in the name day calendar in Bulgaria and Yordan‎'s name day is January 6.

Origin and Meaning of the Name Yordan

The name Yordan has origins in Bulgarian and Slavic languages. It is a variant of the name Jordan, which is derived from the Hebrew name "Yarden" meaning "to flow down" or "descend." The name is often associated with the River Jordan in the Middle East, a significant river in Christian tradition where Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist.

In Bulgaria and other Slavic countries, the name Yordan is often given to boys, symbolizing purity, cleansing, and spiritual rebirth. It carries a strong religious connotation due to its connection to the biblical events at the River Jordan. The name is considered unique and carries a sense of reverence and holiness.

People named Yordan are often seen as compassionate, kind-hearted, and spiritually inclined individuals. They may possess a strong sense of faith and a desire to help others in need. The name Yordan is a reminder of the importance of spiritual growth, renewal, and the power of faith in one's life.
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