Usage, description and more for Young-il
Gender: Female
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Origin and Meaning of the Name Young-il
The name Young-il is of Korean origin and is typically a male name. In Korean culture, names often hold significant meanings and are carefully chosen for their children. The name Young-il consists of two parts: "Young" and "il."
Meaning of Young
In Korean, "Young" (영) can mean various things depending on the characters used to write it. It can represent "eternity," "flower," "brave," "forever," or "spirit," among other positive qualities. This name element is commonly used in Korean names to convey auspicious meanings.
Meaning of Il
The second part of the name, "Il" (일), can mean "one" or "work" in Korean. When combined with "Young," the name Young-il can be interpreted to mean "eternal work," "brave one," "everlasting flower," or similar combinations that reflect positive attributes.
Overall, the name Young-il carries a sense of strength, longevity, and positivity, making it a popular choice for parents seeking a meaningful name for their son in Korean culture.