Meaning and origin of the name Youssof

Gender: Male

Youssof is used in

Saudi Arabia


Origin and Meaning

The name Youssof originates from Arabic roots. It is an alternative spelling of the name "Yusuf" or "Joseph" in English. The name carries a rich history and is commonly used in various cultures.

Meaning of the Name

The name Youssof is derived from the Arabic word "Yusuf," which means "God will increase" or "He will add." It is a name that symbolizes abundance and blessings, reflecting a positive and hopeful outlook.


The name Youssof may not be as common as some other names, but it holds a special significance for those who bear it. Its unique spelling adds a touch of individuality to the traditional name Yusuf.

Cultural Significance

In Arabic and Islamic cultures, the name Youssof is highly regarded due to its association with the prophet Yusuf (Joseph) in the Quran. The story of Prophet Yusuf is one of resilience, faith, and forgiveness, making the name Youssof a meaningful choice for many families.

Celebrate Your Name

If your name is Youssof, embrace its origins and meaning. Whether you choose to follow traditions or create your own path, remember that your name carries a special significance that is unique to you.
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