Meaning and origin of the name Zakarias

Gender: Male
Also available in Hungarian,

Zakarias is used in

Denmark Hungary

Countries where Zakarias has name day

Zakarias is present in the name day calendar in Hungary and Zakarias's name day is September 6.


Zakariás is a unique name with Hebrew origins. It is a variant of the name Zacharias, which comes from the Hebrew name Zechariah, meaning "Yahweh remembers" or "remembered by God". This name has a strong biblical significance, as Zechariah was a minor prophet in the Old Testament and the father of John the Baptist. In some cultures, the name Zakariás is associated with qualities such as faithfulness, devotion, and divine favor. It is a name that carries a sense of spiritual importance and historical legacy.

In some countries, Zakariás may have a designated nameday, typically celebrated in honor of the biblical figure. The name has a distinguished sound and a meaningful background, making it a popular choice for parents looking for a name with religious or historical significance. Its uniqueness and rich cultural heritage give it a special charm that sets it apart from more common names. If you are considering naming your child Zakariás, you are choosing a name that is rooted in tradition and carries a sense of divine remembrance.
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