Meaning and origin of the name Zdravko‎

Gender: Male

Zdravko‎ is used in

Bulgaria Croatia Serbia

Countries where Zdravko‎ has name day

Zdravko‎ is present in the name day calendar in Croatia and Zdravko‎'s name day is January 29.
Zdravko‎ is present in the name day calendar in Croatia and Zdravko‎'s name day is Februari 14.
Zdravko‎ is present in the name day calendar in Croatia and Zdravko‎'s name day is April 14.
Zdravko‎ is present in the name day calendar in Croatia and Zdravko‎'s name day is November 21.


Zdravko is a Slavic name that is most commonly found in countries such as Bulgaria, Croatia, Serbia, and Slovenia. The name is derived from the Slavic element "zdrav" which means "healthy" or "well." This name carries positive connotations, symbolizing good health and well-being.

In Slavic cultures, names are often chosen based on their meanings and significance. Zdravko is a popular name among people who value health and prosperity. It is believed that a person named Zdravko may possess qualities of vitality, strength, and resilience.

The name Zdravko is unique and carries a sense of positivity and optimism. It is a name that reflects a desire for a healthy and fulfilling life. People named Zdravko are often seen as lively, energetic, and full of life.

Overall, Zdravko is a meaningful name with a strong connection to the concept of well-being. It is a name that is sure to bring joy and positivity to anyone who bears it.
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