Meaning and origin of the name Zena

Gender: Female

Zena is used in



Zena is a captivating name of Arabic origin, meaning "friendly" or "welcoming". It is a name that exudes warmth and hospitality, making it a wonderful choice for a child.

Meaning of the Name

In Arabic culture, the name Zena is often associated with kindness and sociability. Those named Zena are believed to have a natural ability to make others feel at ease and comfortable in their presence.

Origin of the Name

The name Zena has its roots in the Arabic language, where it has been used for generations as a symbol of hospitality and friendliness. It is a name that carries with it a sense of warmth and openness.

Zena is a beautiful name with a rich history and a lovely meaning, perfect for a child who will grow up to embody the traits of kindness and welcoming nature.
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