Usage, description and more for Zlatka
Gender: Female
Also available in
Zlatka is used in
North Macedonia
Countries where Zlatka has name day
Zlatka has a name day in
Bulgaria and Zlatka's next name day is October 18.
The name Zlatka is of Slavic origin and is commonly used in countries like Bulgaria, Serbia, and Croatia. It is a feminine name that carries a rich history and symbolism.
The name Zlatka is derived from the Slavic word "zlat" which means "golden" or "precious." In Slavic culture, gold is often associated with wealth, prosperity, and beauty, making the name Zlatka a symbol of these qualities.
Zlatka signifies someone who is as valuable and radiant as gold. Individuals named Zlatka are often seen as bright, charming, and full of positive energy. They are known for their inner beauty and strong character.
In Slavic tradition, names like Zlatka are believed to bring good fortune and luck to the bearer. It is a name that reflects the beauty and brilliance that is treasured by those who know its significance.
If you know a Zlatka, consider yourself lucky to have someone with a name that shines as brightly as gold.