Meaning and origin of the name Zénó

Gender: Male     Origin: Greek    Mythology: Greek
Also available in German, Hungarian,

Zénó is used in

Austria Switzerland Germany Greece Hungary

Countries where Zénó has name day

Zénó is present in the name day calendar in Austria and Zénó's name day is April 12.
Zénó is present in the name day calendar in Germany and Zénó's name day is April 12.
Zénó is present in the name day calendar in Hungary and Zénó's name day is December 22.


Zénó is a unique name with Hungarian origins. It is derived from the Greek name "Zenon," meaning "of Zeus" or "gift of Zeus." The name Zénó carries a sense of strength and divine connection, making it a powerful and meaningful choice for a boy.

In Hungarian culture, names often carry significant meanings and are chosen with care. Naming a child Zénó can symbolize a connection to ancient Greek mythology and the powerful figure of Zeus, the king of the gods.

Zénó is a distinctive and memorable name that can make a statement while also honoring tradition and history. Whether you have Hungarian roots or simply appreciate the richness of the name's origin and meaning, Zénó is a name that stands out and carries a sense of significance.


Zeno in Greek Mythology

In Greek mythology, Zeno is best known as the founder of the philosophical school of thought known as Stoicism. He was born in Citium, Cyprus, in the 4th century BCE. Zeno was heavily influenced by the teachings of Socrates and the Cynics, and he developed his own unique philosophical ideas.

The Paradoxes of Zeno

One of the most famous aspects of Zeno's philosophy is his paradoxes, which were thought experiments designed to challenge common beliefs about motion and change. The most well-known paradox is the paradox of Achilles and the Tortoise, which explores the concept of infinity and how it relates to motion.

Stoicism and Zeno's Legacy

Zeno taught that the path to virtue and happiness lies in living in accordance with nature and accepting the things we cannot change. This philosophy became known as Stoicism, and it had a profound influence on later philosophers such as Seneca, Epictetus, and Marcus Aurelius.

Throughout history, Zeno's ideas have continued to inspire people to live with wisdom, courage, and resilience in the face of life's challenges. His legacy as the founder of Stoicism endures as a guiding light for those seeking inner peace and fulfillment.
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