Usage, description and more for Adele

Gender: Female    Origin: German
Also available in German, French, Finnish, Italian, Lithuanian, Latvian, Norwegian Bokmål, Swedish,

Adele is used in

ATAustria CHSwitzerland DEGermany CACanada GBUnited Kingdom IEIreland SGSingapore USUnited States FIFinland FRFrance ILIsrael ITItaly LTLithuania LVLatvia NONorway BEBelgium SESweden

Countries where Adele has name day

Adele has a name day in ATAustria and Adele's next name day is July 28.
Adele has a name day in DEGermany and Adele's next name day is July 28.
Adele has a name day in FRFrance and Adele's next name day is December 24.
Adele has a name day in ITItaly and Adele's next name day is December 24.
Adele has a name day in LTLithuania and Adele's next name day is June 30.
Adele has a name day in LVLatvia and Adele's next name day is July 8.


Adele is a beautiful and elegant name of German origin. It is derived from the name Adela, which means "noble" or "kind" in Germanic languages. The name Adele has a rich history and has been popular in various cultures around the world.

In addition to its German roots, Adele also has French and Italian variations, further adding to its charm and versatility. The name has a timeless appeal and is often chosen for its classic and sophisticated sound.

Adele is a name that exudes grace and strength, making it a popular choice for parents looking for a name that is both traditional and unique. Whether you are drawn to its Germanic origins or simply love the sound of the name, Adele is a wonderful choice for a baby girl.

Overall, Adele is a name that carries with it a sense of elegance and grace, making it a perfect choice for parents seeking a name with a touch of sophistication and timeless beauty.