Meaning and origin of the name Agáta

Gender: Female
Also available in Czech, Italian, Polish,

Agáta is used in

Czechia Spain Croatia Italy Poland Romania Slovakia Sweden

Countries where Agáta has name day

Agáta is present in the name day calendar in Czechia and Agáta's name day is October 14.
Agáta is present in the name day calendar in Spain and Agáta's name day is Februari 5.
Agáta is present in the name day calendar in Croatia and Agáta's name day is Februari 5.
Agáta is present in the name day calendar in Croatia and Agáta's name day is July 6.
Agáta is present in the name day calendar in Italy and Agáta's name day is Februari 5.
Agáta is present in the name day calendar in Poland and Agáta's name day is Februari 5.
Agáta is present in the name day calendar in Poland and Agáta's name day is November 14.
Agáta is present in the name day calendar in Romania and Agáta's name day is Februari 5.
Agáta is present in the name day calendar in Slovakia and Agáta's name day is Februari 5.
Agáta is present in the name day calendar in Sweden and Agáta's name day is Februari 5.


Origin: The name Ágata has its roots in Latin, derived from the Greek name "Agathe," meaning "good" or "kind."


In various cultures, Ágata is associated with virtues such as kindness, goodness, and positivity. The name reflects qualities that are highly valued in society.


Though not as common as some other names, Ágata carries a sense of elegance and uniqueness. Its rarity adds to its charm, making it a distinctive choice for a baby girl.


In some cultures, Ágata may have a designated nameday, a special day to celebrate individuals with the name. This tradition varies depending on the region and customs.

Overall, Ágata is a name with a rich history and a positive connotation, making it a meaningful and beautiful choice for parents seeking a name that embodies goodness and kindness.
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