Usage, description and more for Albert

Gender: Male     Origin: English
Also available in Bulgarian, Czech, German, Catalan, Estonian, Finnish, French, Hungarian, Norwegian Bokmål, Dutch, Polish, Swedish, Ukrainian,

Albert is used in

BGBulgaria CZCzechia DKDenmark ATAustria CHSwitzerland DEGermany AUAustralia CACanada GBUnited Kingdom KEKenya USUnited States ESSpain EEEstonia FIFinland FRFrance HRCroatia HUHungary ISIceland NONorway NLNetherlands PLPoland SKSlovakia SISlovenia SESweden UAUkraine

Countries where Albert has name day

Albert has a name day in CZCzechia and Albert's next name day is November 21.
Albert has a name day in ATAustria and Albert's next name day is August 7.
Albert has a name day in DEGermany and Albert's next name day is April 23.
Albert has a name day in EEEstonia and Albert's next name day is August 24.
Albert has a name day in FIFinland and Albert's next name day is April 24.
Albert has a name day in FRFrance and Albert's next name day is November 15.
Albert has a name day in HRCroatia and Albert's next name day is August 7.
Albert has a name day in HUHungary and Albert's next name day is November 15.
Albert has a name day in NONorway and Albert's next name day is April 24.
Albert has a name day in PLPoland and Albert's next name day is August 24.
Albert has a name day in SKSlovakia and Albert's next name day is April 8.
Albert has a name day in SESweden and Albert's next name day is August 30.

Origin and Meaning of the Name Albert

The name Albert has Germanic origins and is derived from the elements "adal," meaning "noble," and "beraht," meaning "bright" or "famous." Combined, these elements give the name Albert the meaning of "noble and bright" or "famous and noble." The name Albert has been used throughout history by various royal and noble figures, reflecting its noble connotations.

Popularity and Variants

Albert is a classic and timeless name that has maintained a steady level of popularity over the years. Variants of the name include Alberto in Spanish and Italian, Albrecht in German, and Albie or Bertie as affectionate nicknames. The name Albert has also been used in literature and popular culture, further contributing to its enduring appeal.

Famous Bearers

Throughout history, there have been numerous notable individuals bearing the name Albert. One of the most famous bearers is Albert Einstein, the renowned physicist known for his theory of relativity. Other notable figures include Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, who married Queen Victoria, and Albert Camus, the French philosopher and author.

In conclusion, the name Albert carries a sense of nobility and brightness, making it a dignified choice with a rich historical legacy.