Usage, description and more for Andreas

Gender: Male     Origin: GR Greece
Also available in German, Greek, Estonian, Finnish, Norwegian Bokmål, Dutch, Swedish,

Andreas is used in

DKDenmark ATAustria CHSwitzerland DEGermany GRGreece GBUnited Kingdom EEEstonia FIFinland NONorway BEBelgium NLNetherlands SESweden

Countries where Andreas has name day

Andreas has a name day in ATAustria and Andreas's next name day is November 10.
Andreas has a name day in DEGermany and Andreas's next name day is June 19.
Andreas has a name day in EEEstonia and Andreas's next name day is November 30.
Andreas has a name day in NONorway and Andreas's next name day is November 30.
Andreas has a name day in SESweden and Andreas's next name day is November 30.


Origin: Andreas is a name of Greek origin.

Meaning: The name Andreas means "manly" or "brave." It is derived from the Greek word "andreios," which is related to masculinity and courage.

Characteristics: Individuals named Andreas are often seen as strong, resilient, and courageous. They tend to be natural leaders and have a sense of responsibility towards others. Andreas values integrity and honesty in all aspects of life.

Popularity: Andreas is a popular name in various European countries, especially in Greece, Germany, and Scandinavia. It is a timeless and classic name that has stood the test of time.

Famous Namesakes: Notable individuals named Andreas include Andreas Vesalius, a renowned anatomist from the Renaissance era, and Andreas Gursky, a contemporary German photographer known for his large-scale photographs.

Variants: Variants of the name Andreas include Andrew, Andre, Andrei, and Anders. These variations are used in different cultures and languages while maintaining the same essence of strength and bravery.

Overall, the name Andreas carries a sense of honor, courage, and masculinity, making it a timeless and meaningful choice for individuals seeking a name with a strong and noble connotation.