Usage, description and more for Anna

Gender: Female    Origin: Hebrew
Also available in Bulgarian, Czech, German, Italian, Greek, Spanish, Catalan, Estonian, Finnish, Hungarian, Japanese, Latvian, Norwegian Bokmål, Dutch, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Swedish, Ukrainian,

Anna is used in

BGBulgaria CZCzechia DKDenmark ATAustria CHSwitzerland DEGermany GRGreece AUAustralia CACanada GBUnited Kingdom KEKenya NZNew Zealand SGSingapore USUnited States ARArgentina ESSpain EEEstonia FIFinland ILIsrael HUHungary ISIceland ITItaly JPJapan LVLatvia NONorway BEBelgium NLNetherlands PLPoland BRBrazil BYBelarus SKSlovakia SESweden UAUkraine

Countries where Anna has name day

Anna has a name day in BGBulgaria and Anna's next name day is December 9.
Anna has a name day in CZCzechia and Anna's next name day is July 26.
Anna has a name day in ATAustria and Anna's next name day is July 26.
Anna has a name day in DEGermany and Anna's next name day is June 7.
Anna has a name day in GRGreece and Anna's next name day is July 20.
Anna has a name day in EEEstonia and Anna's next name day is July 26.
Anna has a name day in FIFinland and Anna's next name day is December 9.
Anna has a name day in HUHungary and Anna's next name day is July 25.
Anna has a name day in ITItaly and Anna's next name day is July 26.
Anna has a name day in LVLatvia and Anna's next name day is July 26.
Anna has a name day in NONorway and Anna's next name day is July 26.
Anna has a name day in PLPoland and Anna's next name day is July 26.
Anna has a name day in SKSlovakia and Anna's next name day is July 26.
Anna has a name day in SESweden and Anna's next name day is December 9.


The name Anna has its origins in Hebrew and means "grace" or "favor". It is a timeless and classic name that has been popular across various cultures for centuries. The name Anna has a strong biblical connection, as it is the name of the prophetess in the New Testament who recognized Jesus as the Messiah.

In addition to its biblical significance, Anna has been a popular name in many countries around the world, including Russia, Spain, and Italy. It is a name that exudes elegance and sophistication, making it a favorite choice for parents looking for a traditional yet beautiful name for their daughter.

The name Anna has stood the test of time and continues to be a beloved choice for many families. Its simple yet elegant sound and universal appeal make it a wonderful choice for a baby girl.