Usage, description and more for Anton

Gender: Male     Origin: DE Germany
Also available in Bulgarian, German, Basque, Estonian, Finnish, French, Norwegian Bokmål, Dutch, Polish, Swedish, Ukrainian,

Anton is used in

BGBulgaria DKDenmark ATAustria CHSwitzerland DEGermany ESSpain EEEstonia FIFinland FRFrance MKNorth Macedonia NONorway NLNetherlands PLPoland RORomania BYBelarus SKSlovakia SISlovenia rsSerbia SESweden UAUkraine

Countries where Anton has name day

Anton has a name day in BGBulgaria and Anton's next name day is January 17 (next year).
Anton has a name day in ATAustria and Anton's next name day is October 24.
Anton has a name day in DEGermany and Anton's next name day is July 5.
Anton has a name day in EEEstonia and Anton's next name day is January 17 (next year).
Anton has a name day in FIFinland and Anton's next name day is January 17 (next year).
Anton has a name day in NONorway and Anton's next name day is January 17 (next year).
Anton has a name day in SKSlovakia and Anton's next name day is June 13.
Anton has a name day in SESweden and Anton's next name day is January 17 (next year).

Origin and Meaning of the Name Anton

The name Anton has origins in various European languages including German, Dutch, Scandinavian, and Slavic. It is a variant of the name Anthony, which itself comes from the Latin name Antonius.

Meaning of the Name

The name Anton is derived from the Roman family name Antonius, which is of uncertain etymology. It is believed to possibly mean "priceless" or "inestimable," deriving from the Etruscan root *antun. Another interpretation suggests that it could come from the Greek word "anthos," meaning flower.


Anton is a popular name in many European countries and has been used by various notable figures throughout history. It continues to be a favored choice for parents looking for a strong and classic name for their child.