Meaning and origin of the name Astà

Gender: Female
Also available in Estonian, Lithuanian, Norwegian Bokmål,

Astà is used in

Denmark Estonia Finland Lithuania Norway Sweden

Countries where Astà has name day

Astà is present in the name day calendar in Estonia and Astà's name day is November 27.
Astà is present in the name day calendar in Finland and Astà's name day is July 30.
Astà is present in the name day calendar in Norway and Astà's name day is Mars 28.
Astà is present in the name day calendar in Norway and Astà's name day is April 13.
Astà is present in the name day calendar in Sweden and Astà's name day is November 27.


Astà is a unique and beautiful name with origins in Italy. It is a variant of the name Asta, which is of Old Norse and Swedish origin. The name Astà can be interpreted to mean "divine beauty" or "love" in Old Norse. It carries a sense of elegance and grace.

In Italian, the name Astà is less common but still carries a sense of sophistication and charm. It may also be associated with qualities such as creativity and independence. Those with the name Astà are often seen as imaginative and intuitive individuals.

The name Astà has a poetic and romantic feel to it, making it a lovely choice for parents seeking a name that is both classic and distinctive. Its origins add depth and richness to its meaning, reflecting a sense of timeless beauty and strength.

If you are considering the name Astà for your child, you are choosing a name that is both rare and full of character. Its origins and meanings make it a name that is sure to stand out and leave a lasting impression.
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