Usage, description and more for Aurora

Gender: Female    Origin: Italian
Also available in Italian, Spanish, Finnish, Latvian, Norwegian Bokmål, Polish, Portuguese, Swedish,

Aurora is used in

DKDenmark CHSwitzerland AUAustralia CACanada GBUnited Kingdom NZNew Zealand PHPhilippines USUnited States CLChile ESSpain MXMexico PEPeru FIFinland ISIceland ITItaly LVLatvia NONorway PLPoland BRBrazil RORomania SISlovenia SESweden

Countries where Aurora has name day

Aurora has a name day in ESSpain and Aurora's next name day is October 20.
Aurora has a name day in FIFinland and Aurora's next name day is Mars 10 (next year).
Aurora has a name day in LVLatvia and Aurora's next name day is Mars 5 (next year).
Aurora has a name day in NONorway and Aurora's next name day is July 30.
Aurora has a name day in SESweden and Aurora's next name day is July 3.


Aurora is a beautiful name of Latin origin, meaning "dawn" or "goddess of the dawn." The name is derived from the Roman goddess of the morning, whose tears turned into dew that covered the earth. In Roman mythology, Aurora is associated with the sunrise and represents renewal, hope, and new beginnings. The name has a celestial and ethereal quality, evoking images of the colorful light that fills the sky at the break of day.

In various cultures, Aurora is a popular name choice for girls, symbolizing the start of a new day and the promise of a brighter future. It carries a sense of optimism and positivity, making it a fitting name for those who bring light and warmth into the lives of others. With its mythological roots and poetic significance, Aurora is a name that embodies the magic and wonder of the dawn, reminding us of the endless possibilities that each new day brings.