Usage, description and more for Berthold
Gender: Male
Also available in
Berthold is used in
Countries where Berthold has name day
Berthold has a name day in
Austria and Berthold's next name day is Mars 29.
Berthold has a name day in
Germany and Berthold's next name day is Mars 29.
Berthold has a name day in
Sweden and Berthold's next name day is June 11.
Berthold is a Germanic name that originates from the Old High German elements "beraht" meaning "bright" or "famous" and "wald" meaning "rule". The name conveys the idea of someone who rules with brightness or fame.
In Germanic tradition, names were often chosen based on the qualities they were believed to imbue in the bearer. Therefore, Berthold would have been given to someone expected to achieve fame or rule in a bright and honorable way.
The name Berthold has a strong and distinguished sound, making it a popular choice for boys in German-speaking countries and beyond. Its historical roots and noble meaning give it a sense of tradition and strength.
If you are considering the name Berthold for your child, you would be bestowing upon them a name rich in history and significance, symbolizing a bright and honorable future.