Meaning and origin of the name Beáta

Gender: Female
Also available in Czech, German, Hungarian, Lithuanian, Polish,

Beáta is used in

Czechia Germany Croatia Hungary Lithuania Poland Slovakia Sweden

Countries where Beáta has name day

Beáta is present in the name day calendar in Czechia and Beáta's name day is October 25.
Beáta is present in the name day calendar in Croatia and Beáta's name day is May 9.
Beáta is present in the name day calendar in Croatia and Beáta's name day is July 25.
Beáta is present in the name day calendar in Hungary and Beáta's name day is Mars 22.
Beáta is present in the name day calendar in Lithuania and Beáta's name day is Mars 8.
Beáta is present in the name day calendar in Poland and Beáta's name day is Mars 8.
Beáta is present in the name day calendar in Poland and Beáta's name day is September 6.
Beáta is present in the name day calendar in Poland and Beáta's name day is December 22.
Beáta is present in the name day calendar in Slovakia and Beáta's name day is June 28.
Beáta is present in the name day calendar in Sweden and Beáta's name day is December 2.

Origin and Meaning of the Name Beáta

The name Beáta comes from Latin, derived from the word "beatus," which means "blessed" or "happy." It is a name that exudes positivity and good fortune.


The name Beáta has its roots in Latin and has been used in various cultures and languages over the centuries. It is a name that is often associated with virtues such as happiness, blessings, and positivity.


Beáta carries the beautiful meaning of being blessed or happy. People with this name are believed to bring joy and positivity to those around them. It is a name that reflects a bright and cheerful personality.


While the name Beáta may not be as common as some other names, its uniqueness adds to its charm. Those named Beáta often carry a sense of individuality and specialness.

In conclusion, the name Beáta is a wonderful choice for anyone looking for a name that embodies happiness, blessings, and a positive outlook on life.
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