Meaning and origin of the name Björn

Gender: Male
Also available in German, Norwegian Bokmål,

Björn is used in

Denmark Switzerland Germany Canada United States Norway Netherlands Sweden

Countries where Björn has name day

Björn is present in the name day calendar in Germany and Björn's name day is July 15.
Björn is present in the name day calendar in Norway and Björn's name day is June 18.
Björn is present in the name day calendar in Sweden and Björn's name day is June 18.


Bjørn is a Scandinavian name of Norwegian and Danish origin. The name Bjørn means "bear" in Norwegian and Danish. In Norse mythology, the bear symbolizes strength, courage, and protection, making Bjørn a powerful and masculine name choice. The bear was also considered a sacred animal in ancient Norse culture, associated with warriors and leaders.

In modern times, Bjørn remains a popular name in Norway and Denmark, reflecting a connection to nature and the strong heritage of the region. The name has a timeless quality and a sense of ruggedness, making it a distinctive choice for boys. If you choose the name Bjørn for your child, you are giving them a name that embodies power, resilience, and a deep connection to Scandinavian roots.
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