Meaning and origin of the name Cléo

Gender: Male Female
Also available in Greek, French,

Cléo is used in

Greece Australia Canada United States France Sweden

Countries where Cléo has name day

Cléo is present in the name day calendar in Greece and Cléo's name day is September 1.
Cléo is present in the name day calendar in France and Cléo's name day is October 19.


The name Cleo is of Greek origin and means "glory" or "pride". It is a short and sweet name that has a sophisticated and elegant feel to it.

In Greek mythology, Cleo was also one of the nine muses, representing history and storytelling. This adds a touch of creativity and inspiration to the name.

Cleo has been a popular name for girls in various cultures around the world, known for its simplicity and charm. It is a timeless name that exudes grace and beauty.
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