Usage, description and more for Denise
Gender: Female
Also available in
Denise is used in
United Kingdom
New Zealand
United States
Countries where Denise has name day
Denise has a name day in
Austria and Denise's next name day is December 6.
Denise has a name day in
Germany and Denise's next name day is December 6.
Denise has a name day in
France and Denise's next name day is May 15.
Denise has a name day in
Sweden and Denise's next name day is August 7.
Origin and Meaning of the Name Denise
Origin: Denise is a name of French origin.
Meaning: The name Denise is derived from the Greek name Dionysius, which means "follower of Dionysos," the Greek god of wine. It has been a popular name in France and other French-speaking countries.
Popularity: Denise has been a timeless and classic name with a touch of elegance. It has been a favorite choice for parents looking for a sophisticated and refined name for their daughters.
Personality: Individuals named Denise are often known for their grace, charm, and strong-willed nature. They are confident, independent, and have a natural ability to lead. Denises are also known for their creativity and artistic talents.
Famous Denises: Some famous individuals with the name Denise include Denise Richards, an American actress and former fashion model, and Denise Levertov, a British-born American poet.
Variants: Variants of the name Denise include Deniece, Denisse, and Denize.
Overall, the name Denise carries a sense of sophistication and strength, making it a popular choice for parents seeking a timeless and elegant name for their daughter.