Meaning and origin of the name Desiree

Gender: Female

Desiree is used in

Austria Switzerland Netherlands Sweden

Countries where Desiree has name day

Desiree is present in the name day calendar in Austria and Desiree's name day is May 23.
Desiree is present in the name day calendar in Sweden and Desiree's name day is May 23.


Origin: French
Meaning: The name Desiree is of French origin and means "desired" or "desired one". It is derived from the French word "désir", which means "desire" or "longing".

Popularity: Desiree has been a popular name in various countries including the United States, Canada, and France. It has a classic and elegant feel, making it a timeless choice for baby girls.

Personality: Individuals named Desiree are often described as charming, confident, and compassionate. They are known for their strong sense of determination and their ability to inspire others.

Famous Namesakes: Some famous Desirees include actress Desiree Cousteau and model Desiree Hartsock from the reality TV show "The Bachelorette".

Overall: Desiree is a beautiful name with a rich history and a lovely meaning. It is a great choice for parents looking for a name that is both elegant and meaningful for their baby girl.
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