Usage, description and more for Elisa

Gender: Female    Origin: Spanish
Also available in Arabic, French, German, Spanish, Finnish, Italian, Norwegian Bokmål, Polish, Portuguese, Swedish,

Elisa is used in

DZAlgeria DKDenmark CHSwitzerland DEGermany CACanada USUnited States ARArgentina CLChile ESSpain MXMexico PEPeru FIFinland ITItaly NONorway BEBelgium PLPoland BRBrazil SESweden

Countries where Elisa has name day

Elisa has a name day in ESSpain and Elisa's next name day is December 5.
Elisa has a name day in FIFinland and Elisa's next name day is November 19.

Origin and Meaning of the Name Elisa

The name Elisa has origins in various languages including Hebrew, Spanish, Italian, and Finnish.
In Hebrew, Elisa is often considered a variant of the name Elizabeth, which means "God is abundance" or "God is my oath". In Spanish and Italian, Elisa is a short form of Elisabetta or Elizabeth. In Finnish, it is derived from the word "elia", meaning "God".
Elisa is a popular name in many countries and is cherished for its elegance and simplicity. It carries a sense of grace and strength, making it a timeless choice for parents looking for a beautiful name for their daughter.
There are several notable figures with the name Elisa, including singer Elisa Toffoli from Italy and actress Elisa Donovan from the United States. Their talents and achievements have brought recognition to the name Elisa in the world of music and entertainment.