Meaning and origin of the name Felicia

Gender: Female
Also available in Hungarian,

Felicia is used in

Switzerland Hungary Sweden

Countries where Felicia has name day

Felicia is present in the name day calendar in Hungary and Felicia's name day is May 20.
Felicia is present in the name day calendar in Sweden and Felicia's name day is January 14.


Felícia is a lovely and elegant name of Latin origin. It is derived from the word "felix," which means "happy" or "fortunate." In essence, Felícia carries the beautiful meaning of "happy" or "lucky." This name exudes positivity and joy, making it a charming choice for a baby girl. Its soft and melodious sound adds a touch of grace to any individual who bears it.

In various cultures, the name Felícia symbolizes good fortune, prosperity, and a bright future. It is a name that reflects a sense of optimism and contentment. Those named Felícia are often seen as kind-hearted, cheerful, and full of life. With its rich history and positive connotations, Felícia is a name that resonates with warmth and happiness.
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