Meaning and origin of the name Gabriël

Gender: Male
Also available in Czech, German, Greek, French, Norwegian Bokmål, Polish,

Gabriël is used in

Czechia Denmark Austria Switzerland Germany Greece Australia Canada United Kingdom Kenya Philippines United States Spain Mexico Finland France Norway Netherlands Poland Brazil Portugal Slovakia Sweden

Countries where Gabriël has name day

Gabriël is present in the name day calendar in Czechia and Gabriël's name day is Mars 24.
Gabriël is present in the name day calendar in Austria and Gabriël's name day is Februari 27.
Gabriël is present in the name day calendar in Austria and Gabriël's name day is September 29.
Gabriël is present in the name day calendar in Germany and Gabriël's name day is January 15.
Gabriël is present in the name day calendar in Germany and Gabriël's name day is Februari 27.
Gabriël is present in the name day calendar in Germany and Gabriël's name day is September 29.
Gabriël is present in the name day calendar in Greece and Gabriël's name day is November 7.
Gabriël is present in the name day calendar in Spain and Gabriël's name day is Februari 27.
Gabriël is present in the name day calendar in Spain and Gabriël's name day is September 29.
Gabriël is present in the name day calendar in Finland and Gabriël's name day is Mars 24.
Gabriël is present in the name day calendar in France and Gabriël's name day is September 29.
Gabriël is present in the name day calendar in Norway and Gabriël's name day is Mars 26.
Gabriël is present in the name day calendar in Poland and Gabriël's name day is Februari 10.
Gabriël is present in the name day calendar in Poland and Gabriël's name day is Februari 27.
Gabriël is present in the name day calendar in Poland and Gabriël's name day is Mars 24.
Gabriël is present in the name day calendar in Poland and Gabriël's name day is September 29.
Gabriël is present in the name day calendar in Slovakia and Gabriël's name day is Mars 24.
Gabriël is present in the name day calendar in Sweden and Gabriël's name day is Mars 24.


Gabriël is a name of Hebrew origin, meaning "God is my strength". It is a variant of the name Gabriel, which is derived from the Hebrew name Gavri'el. In the Bible, Gabriel is an archangel who serves as a messenger of God. The name Gabriël has been used in various cultures and languages, and it continues to be a popular name for boys in many parts of the world.

In addition to its religious significance, the name Gabriël is also associated with qualities such as strength, courage, and divine protection. People named Gabriël are often seen as determined and resilient individuals who can overcome challenges with the help of their faith and inner strength.

If you are considering the name Gabriël for your child, you are choosing a name with a rich history and powerful symbolism. Whether you have a personal connection to the name or simply appreciate its meaning, Gabriël is a timeless and meaningful choice for a baby boy.
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