Meaning and origin of the name Gota

Gender: Male Female

Gota is used in

Japan Sweden

Countries where Gota has name day

Gota is present in the name day calendar in Sweden and Gota's name day is January 27.


Origin: Göta is a name of Scandinavian origin.
Meaning: The name Göta is derived from the Old Norse word "gautr" which means "a Goth" or "a Geat." It is also associated with the Goths, an East Germanic people who played a significant role in European history.

The name Göta carries a sense of strength, heritage, and historical significance. It is a name that reflects a connection to ancient Norse and Germanic cultures. Göta is a unique and distinctive name that can be a meaningful choice for those interested in Scandinavian history and mythology.

In some Scandinavian countries, Göta may have a nameday associated with it, typically celebrated by individuals named Göta. It is a name that can carry a sense of tradition and cultural pride for those with Scandinavian roots.
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