Usage, description and more for Holger

Gender: Male     Origin: DK Denmark
Also available in German, Estonian, Norwegian Bokmål, Swedish,

Holger is used in

DKDenmark ATAustria DEGermany EEEstonia NONorway SESweden

Countries where Holger has name day

Holger has a name day in ATAustria and Holger's next name day is December 20.
Holger has a name day in DEGermany and Holger's next name day is December 20.
Holger has a name day in EEEstonia and Holger's next name day is August 2.
Holger has a name day in NONorway and Holger's next name day is Mars 30.
Holger has a name day in SESweden and Holger's next name day is Mars 30.

Origin and Meaning of the Name Holger

The name Holger is of Scandinavian origin, derived from the Old Norse name "Holmgeirr." It is composed of the elements "holm," which means "island," and "geirr," which means "spear." Therefore, the name Holger can be interpreted to mean "spear of the island" or "island warrior."

In Scandinavian folklore and history, the name Holger has been associated with strength, bravery, and resilience. It carries a sense of warrior spirit and determination.


The name Holger does not have a specific designated nameday in the traditional calendar. However, in modern times, some regions may have adopted certain dates to celebrate individuals named Holger.