Meaning and origin of the name Hulda

Gender: Female

Hulda is used in

Denmark Germany Finland Norway Sweden

Countries where Hulda has name day

Hulda is present in the name day calendar in Germany and Hulda's name day is April 10.
Hulda is present in the name day calendar in Norway and Hulda's name day is July 7.
Hulda is present in the name day calendar in Sweden and Hulda's name day is September 8.


Origin: The name Hulda is of Germanic origin.

Meaning: Hulda is a feminine name that means "lovable" or "sweet" in Old Norse. It is also associated with meanings like "hidden" or "secret" in Old Germanic languages.

Popularity: Hulda is a unique and rare name that is not commonly used in modern times. It carries a sense of charm and mystery due to its historical roots.

Characteristics: Individuals with the name Hulda are often described as kind-hearted, gentle, and compassionate. They tend to have a nurturing nature and a strong sense of intuition.

Historical Significance: In Norse mythology, Hulda was believed to be a supernatural being associated with wisdom and foresight. She was considered a seeress or prophetess who could see into the future.

Celebrity Connection: While not a widely used name in popular culture, Hulda may appeal to those looking for a name with a sense of history and tradition.

Overall, the name Hulda carries a sense of mystery and allure, making it a distinctive choice for those seeking a unique and meaningful name for their child.
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