Meaning and origin of the name Inès

Gender: Female
Also available in German, Estonian, French,

Inès is used in

Algeria Morocco Austria Switzerland Australia Spain Estonia France Croatia Netherlands Brazil Sweden

Countries where Inès has name day

Inès is present in the name day calendar in Austria and Inès's name day is January 21.
Inès is present in the name day calendar in Spain and Inès's name day is January 21.
Inès is present in the name day calendar in Estonia and Inès's name day is January 21.
Inès is present in the name day calendar in France and Inès's name day is September 10.
Inès is present in the name day calendar in Croatia and Inès's name day is Mars 2.


Origin: Inès is a name of Spanish and French origin.

Meaning: The name Inès is derived from the Greek name Agnes, which means "pure" or "chaste". Inès is a popular name in France and other French-speaking countries.

Inès is a timeless and elegant name with a rich history. It has a classic and sophisticated sound, making it a beautiful choice for a baby girl.

If you choose the name Inès for your child, you will be giving her a name that is both traditional and unique, with a touch of old-world charm.

Overall, Inès is a lovely name with a beautiful meaning that will surely stand the test of time.
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