Meaning and origin of the name Irène

Gender: Female    Origin: Greek    Mythology: Greek
Also available in German, Greek, Estonian, French, Italian, Lithuanian, Latvian, Norwegian Bokmål,

Irène is used in

Denmark Austria Switzerland Germany Greece Australia Canada United Kingdom Kenya United States Spain Estonia Finland France Italy Lithuania Latvia Norway Netherlands Brazil Sweden

Countries where Irène has name day

Irène is present in the name day calendar in Austria and Irène's name day is April 1.
Irène is present in the name day calendar in Germany and Irène's name day is April 1.
Irène is present in the name day calendar in Spain and Irène's name day is October 20.
Irène is present in the name day calendar in Estonia and Irène's name day is April 5.
Irène is present in the name day calendar in Finland and Irène's name day is April 5.
Irène is present in the name day calendar in France and Irène's name day is April 5.
Irène is present in the name day calendar in Italy and Irène's name day is June 5.
Irène is present in the name day calendar in Italy and Irène's name day is October 16.
Irène is present in the name day calendar in Italy and Irène's name day is October 20.
Irène is present in the name day calendar in Norway and Irène's name day is April 5.
Irène is present in the name day calendar in Sweden and Irène's name day is April 5.


Origin: The name Irène has Greek origins, deriving from the name Εἰρήνη (Eirēnē).


The name Irène means "peace" or "peaceful" in Greek. It is a name with a beautiful and serene significance, symbolizing harmony and tranquility.

Individuals named Irène are often known for their calm and composed nature. They possess a peaceful demeanor and have a knack for resolving conflicts and bringing people together.

Famous Namesakes:
- Irène Joliot-Curie: A renowned French scientist who won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1935.
- Irène Pappas: A talented Greek actress known for her roles in international films.

Variants of the name Irène include Irene, Irena, and Irina, each with its own unique cultural adaptations.

The name Irène has a timeless appeal and is cherished by many for its elegant sound and meaningful essence.

In conclusion, Irène is a name that embodies the virtues of peace and tranquility, making it a wonderful choice for those seeking a name with a serene and harmonious connotation.


The Story of Irène in Greek Mythology

In Greek mythology, Irène was believed to be a mortal woman who had a deep connection to the gods. She was known for her exceptional beauty and wisdom, which caught the attention of Zeus, the king of the gods.

Meeting with Zeus

One day, while Irène was wandering through the forests, she encountered Zeus disguised as a majestic eagle. Impressed by her grace and intelligence, Zeus revealed his true form to her and they engaged in deep conversations about the mortal world.

The Gift of Immortality

Touched by Irène's pure heart and unwavering loyalty, Zeus decided to bestow upon her the gift of immortality. From that moment on, Irène became one of the few mortals who lived among the gods on Mount Olympus.


Throughout the ages, Irène was revered as a symbol of beauty, wisdom, and divine favor. Her name became synonymous with grace and benevolence, and her story was passed down through generations as a testament to the enduring power of love and virtue.

Irène remains a beloved figure in Greek mythology, embodying the eternal bond between mortals and the divine.
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