Meaning and origin of the name Iván

Gender: Male
Also available in Bulgarian, Czech, Hungarian, Norwegian Bokmål,

Iván is used in

Bulgaria Czechia Denmark Switzerland Australia Canada United States Spain Mexico Croatia Hungary Norway Slovakia Serbia Sweden Ukraine

Countries where Iván has name day

Iván is present in the name day calendar in Bulgaria and Iván's name day is January 7.
Iván is present in the name day calendar in Czechia and Iván's name day is June 25.
Iván is present in the name day calendar in Spain and Iván's name day is June 24.
Iván is present in the name day calendar in Spain and Iván's name day is October 11.
Iván is present in the name day calendar in Croatia and Iván's name day is January 31.
Iván is present in the name day calendar in Croatia and Iván's name day is Februari 4.
Iván is present in the name day calendar in Croatia and Iván's name day is Mars 8.
Iván is present in the name day calendar in Croatia and Iván's name day is Mars 20.
Iván is present in the name day calendar in Croatia and Iván's name day is April 7.
Iván is present in the name day calendar in Croatia and Iván's name day is May 10.
Iván is present in the name day calendar in Croatia and Iván's name day is May 16.
Iván is present in the name day calendar in Croatia and Iván's name day is May 18.
Iván is present in the name day calendar in Croatia and Iván's name day is June 10.
Iván is present in the name day calendar in Croatia and Iván's name day is June 22.
Iván is present in the name day calendar in Croatia and Iván's name day is June 24.
Iván is present in the name day calendar in Croatia and Iván's name day is June 26.
Iván is present in the name day calendar in Croatia and Iván's name day is August 4.
Iván is present in the name day calendar in Croatia and Iván's name day is August 19.
Iván is present in the name day calendar in Croatia and Iván's name day is August 29.
Iván is present in the name day calendar in Croatia and Iván's name day is September 13.
Iván is present in the name day calendar in Croatia and Iván's name day is October 19.
Iván is present in the name day calendar in Croatia and Iván's name day is October 23.
Iván is present in the name day calendar in Croatia and Iván's name day is November 9.
Iván is present in the name day calendar in Croatia and Iván's name day is November 13.
Iván is present in the name day calendar in Croatia and Iván's name day is December 4.
Iván is present in the name day calendar in Croatia and Iván's name day is December 14.
Iván is present in the name day calendar in Croatia and Iván's name day is December 23.
Iván is present in the name day calendar in Croatia and Iván's name day is December 27.
Iván is present in the name day calendar in Hungary and Iván's name day is June 24.
Iván is present in the name day calendar in Norway and Iván's name day is January 22.
Iván is present in the name day calendar in Slovakia and Iván's name day is July 8.
Iván is present in the name day calendar in Sweden and Iván's name day is May 24.


Iván is a name of Slavic origin, derived from the name Ivan, which itself comes from the Greek name Ioannes. The name Iván is commonly used in Spanish-speaking countries and Eastern European countries. It is a variant of the popular name John.

Meaning of the name Iván

The name Iván is often interpreted as meaning "God is gracious" or "gift of God". It carries a sense of divine favor and blessings. In some cultures, it is also associated with qualities such as wisdom, strength, and leadership.

Popularity of the name Iván

The name Iván has been a popular choice for parents looking for a strong and classic name for their children. It has a timeless appeal and is favored for its simplicity and elegance. The name Iván continues to be a well-loved name across different cultures and regions.
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