Meaning and origin of the name Josefína

Gender: Female
Also available in German,

Josefína is used in

Austria Germany Brazil Slovakia Sweden

Countries where Josefína has name day

Josefína is present in the name day calendar in Austria and Josefína's name day is Februari 8.
Josefína is present in the name day calendar in Austria and Josefína's name day is December 25.
Josefína is present in the name day calendar in Germany and Josefína's name day is December 25.
Josefína is present in the name day calendar in Slovakia and Josefína's name day is August 6.
Josefína is present in the name day calendar in Sweden and Josefína's name day is Mars 19.


Origin: Josefina is a feminine given name of Spanish and Swedish origin.


In Spanish, Josefina is the feminine form of the name Jose´, which means "God will increase" or "may God add." In Swedish, it is a variation of Josefine, which is derived from the name Joseph, meaning "he will add" or "God shall add."

Nameday: The name Josefina may have celebrated namedays in different cultures, but specific dates may vary.

Josefina is a beloved name with a rich history and a beautiful meaning. Its origins in both Spanish and Swedish cultures give it a diverse appeal, making it a popular choice for parents seeking a timeless and elegant name for their daughters.
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