Meaning and origin of the name Kajsa

Gender: Female

Kajsa is used in


Countries where Kajsa has name day

Kajsa is present in the name day calendar in Sweden and Kajsa's name day is August 2.


Kajsa is a Scandinavian name that is a diminutive form of the name Karin, which is the Swedish equivalent of Katherine. The name Kajsa has its origins in Sweden and is commonly used in other Scandinavian countries such as Norway and Denmark.


The name Kajsa is derived from the Greek name Katherine, which means "pure" or "unsullied." It carries the same meaning in its Scandinavian form and is often associated with qualities such as purity, innocence, and strength.


In Sweden, Kajsa is not commonly associated with a specific nameday. However, it is a popular name in the country and is celebrated by many individuals who bear the name.

Overall, Kajsa is a charming and timeless name with a rich history and a beautiful meaning that resonates with many parents looking for a traditional yet unique name for their child.
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