Meaning and origin of the name Léonard

Gender: Male
Also available in French, Norwegian Bokmål, Polish,

Léonard is used in

Switzerland Canada United Kingdom Kenya United States France Croatia Norway Poland Slovakia Sweden

Countries where Léonard has name day

Léonard is present in the name day calendar in France and Léonard's name day is November 6.
Léonard is present in the name day calendar in Croatia and Léonard's name day is Mars 30.
Léonard is present in the name day calendar in Croatia and Léonard's name day is November 6.
Léonard is present in the name day calendar in Croatia and Léonard's name day is November 18.
Léonard is present in the name day calendar in Norway and Léonard's name day is November 6.
Léonard is present in the name day calendar in Poland and Léonard's name day is November 6.
Léonard is present in the name day calendar in Poland and Léonard's name day is November 26.
Léonard is present in the name day calendar in Slovakia and Léonard's name day is August 16.
Léonard is present in the name day calendar in Sweden and Léonard's name day is September 28.


Léonard is a French name of Germanic origin, derived from the name Leonhard. The name is composed of the elements "leon," meaning "lion," and "hard," meaning "brave" or "strong." Therefore, Léonard carries the meaning of "brave lion" or "strong lion." In French-speaking countries, Léonard is a popular name with a long history.

In addition to its French roots, the name Léonard has variations in other languages such as Leonardo in Italian and Leonidas in Greek. These variations reflect the enduring popularity and significance of the name across different cultures.

People named Léonard are often described as courageous, determined, and charismatic individuals. They tend to possess leadership qualities and a strong sense of purpose. The name Léonard is associated with qualities such as strength, resilience, and a noble spirit.

Overall, Léonard is a name with a rich history and a powerful meaning, making it a timeless choice for parents seeking a strong and dignified name for their child.
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