Usage, description and more for Manfred

Gender: Male     Origin: DE Germany
Also available in German, French, Polish, Swedish,

Manfred is used in

ATAustria DEGermany INIndia FRFrance PLPoland SESweden

Countries where Manfred has name day

Manfred has a name day in ATAustria and Manfred's next name day is January 28 (next year).
Manfred has a name day in DEGermany and Manfred's next name day is January 28 (next year).
Manfred has a name day in FRFrance and Manfred's next name day is January 28 (next year).
Manfred has a name day in SESweden and Manfred's next name day is October 12.

Origin and Meaning of the Name Manfred

The name Manfred is of German origin and consists of two elements: "man" meaning "man" or "husband" and "fred" meaning "peace" or "protection". Therefore, the name Manfred can be interpreted as "man of peace" or "protector of mankind".


The name Manfred does not have a specific nameday tradition widely recognized, but it may vary based on different cultures and regions.

The name Manfred has a strong and noble sound, embodying qualities of strength and protection. Its Germanic roots give it a historical and traditional feel, making it a timeless choice for parents seeking a name with a powerful meaning.