Usage, description and more for Mariana

Gender: Female    Origin: Spanish
Also available in Bulgarian, Czech, German, Spanish, Catalan, Italian, Norwegian Bokmål, Portuguese, Swedish,

Mariana is used in

BGBulgaria CZCzechia CHSwitzerland CACanada USUnited States CLChile ESSpain MXMexico PEPeru ITItaly NONorway BRBrazil RORomania SESweden

Countries where Mariana has name day

Mariana has a name day in BGBulgaria and Mariana's next name day is Mars 25.
Mariana has a name day in CZCzechia and Mariana's next name day is September 8.
Mariana has a name day in ESSpain and Mariana's next name day is May 26.
Mariana has a name day in SESweden and Mariana's next name day is April 30.


The name Mariana is of Latin origin and is derived from the male name Marianus, which means "of the sea" or "bitter". It is a popular name in various cultures around the world and is often associated with qualities such as strength, independence, and beauty.

In some cultures, Mariana is believed to be a variation of the name Mary, which has strong biblical connections. Mary is known as the mother of Jesus in Christianity and is revered for her purity and devotion. As a result, Mariana is sometimes seen as a name symbolizing grace and faith.

The name Mariana has been used by royalty and nobility throughout history, adding a sense of regal elegance to the name. It continues to be a popular choice for baby girls today, appreciated for its classic charm and timeless appeal.

If you are considering the name Mariana for your child, you can take pride in choosing a name with a rich history and a profound meaning. Whether you are drawn to its connection to the sea or its association with spirituality, Mariana is a name that carries a sense of strength and beauty.