Meaning and origin of the name Marianne

Gender: Female

Marianne is used in

Denmark Germany United Kingdom Estonia Finland France Norway Netherlands Sweden

Countries where Marianne has name day

Marianne is present in the name day calendar in Germany and Marianne's name day is May 26.
Marianne is present in the name day calendar in Estonia and Marianne's name day is September 8.
Marianne is present in the name day calendar in Finland and Marianne's name day is August 15.
Marianne is present in the name day calendar in France and Marianne's name day is July 9.
Marianne is present in the name day calendar in Norway and Marianne's name day is November 21.
Marianne is present in the name day calendar in Sweden and Marianne's name day is April 4.


Marianne is a beautiful and timeless name with French origins. It is a combination of the names Mary and Anne.


The name Marianne has French roots and is considered a variation of the name Mariana. It has been popular in France for centuries and has spread to other countries as well.


The name Marianne is derived from the Latin names Mary and Anne. Mary means "beloved" or "wished-for child" and Anne means "grace." Therefore, Marianne can be interpreted to mean "beloved grace" or "graceful one."

The name Marianne is not only elegant but also carries a strong and positive meaning, making it a popular choice for parents looking for a classic and meaningful name for their child.
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