Usage, description and more for Märta

Gender: Female    Origin: ES Spain
Also available in Bulgarian, Czech, German, Spanish, Catalan, Estonian, Hungarian, Italian, Latvian, Norwegian Bokmål, Dutch, Polish, Portuguese, Swedish,

Märta is used in

BGBulgaria CZCzechia CHSwitzerland DEGermany GBUnited Kingdom ARArgentina CLChile ESSpain EEEstonia HRCroatia HUHungary ITItaly LVLatvia MKNorth Macedonia NONorway BEBelgium NLNetherlands PLPoland BRBrazil RORomania SKSlovakia SISlovenia rsSerbia SESweden

Countries where Märta has name day

Märta has a name day in BGBulgaria and Märta's next name day is Mars 1 (next year).
Märta has a name day in CZCzechia and Märta's next name day is July 29.
Märta has a name day in ESSpain and Märta's next name day is July 29.
Märta has a name day in EEEstonia and Märta's next name day is July 27.
Märta has a name day in HRCroatia and Märta's next name day is April 20.
Märta has a name day in HUHungary and Märta's next name day is July 28.
Märta has a name day in ITItaly and Märta's next name day is July 29.
Märta has a name day in LVLatvia and Märta's next name day is July 27.
Märta has a name day in NONorway and Märta's next name day is October 17.
Märta has a name day in PLPoland and Märta's next name day is June 21.
Märta has a name day in SKSlovakia and Märta's next name day is July 29.
Märta has a name day in SESweden and Märta's next name day is May 11.


Márta is a Hungarian feminine name that originates from the Latin name Marta. The name is derived from the Aramaic word "mārthā," meaning "lady" or "mistress." It is a variant of the name Martha, which has biblical significance as well.

The name Márta is popular in Hungary and other countries with Hungarian-speaking populations. It is often associated with qualities such as strength, independence, and leadership. Those named Márta are believed to be charismatic individuals with a natural ability to inspire others.

If you know someone named Márta, consider yourself lucky to have such a determined and influential person in your life. Whether it's a friend, family member, or colleague, Márta is sure to leave a lasting impression with their unique personality and unwavering spirit.

Celebrate the name Márta and the wonderful individuals who bear it with pride and grace.