Meaning and origin of the name Märten

Gender: Male
Also available in Estonian,

Märten is used in

Estonia Netherlands Sweden

Countries where Märten has name day

Märten is present in the name day calendar in Estonia and Märten's name day is November 10.
Märten is present in the name day calendar in Sweden and Märten's name day is November 11.

About the name Märten

The name Märten is of Estonian origin and is a variant of the name Martin. It is commonly used in Estonia and parts of Scandinavia. The name Märten is derived from the Latin name Martinus, which means "of Mars" or "warlike". It has a strong historical significance as it is associated with Saint Martin of Tours, a 4th-century bishop known for his acts of kindness and charity.


In Estonia, the name Märten is celebrated on November 11th in honor of Saint Martin of Tours. This day is known as Martini päev and is a time for feasting and celebrating the name's significance. It is a popular tradition to give small gifts or treats to individuals named Märten on this day.

The name Märten carries a sense of strength and valor, making it a popular choice for parents looking for a name with historical and cultural significance.
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