Meaning and origin of the name Patricia

Gender: Male Female
Also available in German, Hungarian, Norwegian Bokmål,

Patricia is used in

Denmark Switzerland Germany Australia Kenya Hungary Norway Slovakia Sweden

Countries where Patricia has name day

Patricia is present in the name day calendar in Germany and Patricia's name day is August 25.
Patricia is present in the name day calendar in Hungary and Patricia's name day is August 25.
Patricia is present in the name day calendar in Norway and Patricia's name day is Mars 5.
Patricia is present in the name day calendar in Slovakia and Patricia's name day is July 6.
Patricia is present in the name day calendar in Sweden and Patricia's name day is April 16.

Origin and Meaning of the Name Patricia

The name Patricia has Latin origins and is the feminine form of the name Patrick. It is derived from the Latin word "patricius," which means "noble" or "noblewoman." The name Patricia carries connotations of nobility, strength, and grace.

In ancient Rome, the title "Patrician" was given to the noble class, indicating a high social rank. Over time, the name Patricia became popular in English-speaking countries and is often associated with elegance and sophistication.

Patricia has been a widely used name throughout history and has been borne by many notable figures, including saints, queens, and influential women. Its timeless appeal and classic sound have ensured its enduring popularity to this day.

Those named Patricia are often described as strong, independent, and compassionate individuals. They possess a natural grace and charm that captivates those around them. The name Patricia symbolizes a sense of dignity and refinement, reflecting the noble qualities of its Latin origins.
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