Usage, description and more for Robert

Gender: Male Female    Origin: HU Hungary
Also available in Czech, German, Catalan, Estonian, Finnish, French, Hungarian, Norwegian Bokmål, Dutch, Polish, Russian, Swedish,

Robert is used in

CZCzechia DKDenmark ATAustria CHSwitzerland DEGermany AUAustralia CACanada GBUnited Kingdom IEIreland KEKenya NZNew Zealand USUnited States ESSpain EEEstonia FIFinland FRFrance HRCroatia HUHungary ISIceland MKNorth Macedonia NONorway NLNetherlands PLPoland BYBelarus SKSlovakia SISlovenia ALAlbania SESweden

Countries where Robert has name day

Robert has a name day in CZCzechia and Robert's next name day is April 29.
Robert has a name day in ATAustria and Robert's next name day is June 7.
Robert has a name day in DEGermany and Robert's next name day is June 7.
Robert has a name day in EEEstonia and Robert's next name day is June 7.
Robert has a name day in FIFinland and Robert's next name day is June 7.
Robert has a name day in FRFrance and Robert's next name day is April 30.
Robert has a name day in HRCroatia and Robert's next name day is June 7.
Robert has a name day in HUHungary and Robert's next name day is June 7.
Robert has a name day in NONorway and Robert's next name day is June 7.
Robert has a name day in PLPoland and Robert's next name day is April 17.
Robert has a name day in SKSlovakia and Robert's next name day is June 7.
Robert has a name day in SESweden and Robert's next name day is June 7.

Origin and Meaning of the Name Robert

The name Robert has Germanic roots and is derived from the elements "hrod," meaning "fame," and "beraht," meaning "bright" or "shining." When combined, the name Robert signifies a person of illustrious reputation and prominence.

Popularity and History

Robert has been a popular name throughout history, with notable figures such as Robert the Bruce, a medieval Scottish king, and Robert E. Lee, a prominent Confederate general during the American Civil War, bearing the name.

Variations of the Name

Variations of the name Robert exist in different languages and cultures. In French, it is spelled as "Robert," in Spanish as "Roberto," and in Italian as "Roberto." These variations maintain the essence of the name's original meaning.

Famous Bearers of the Name

Throughout literature and popular culture, the name Robert has been used for various characters, such as Robert Langdon in Dan Brown's "The Da Vinci Code" and Robert Baratheon in George R.R. Martin's "A Song of Ice and Fire" series.

In conclusion, the name Robert carries a sense of honor and distinction, making it a timeless choice for individuals seeking a name with a rich historical background and a touch of brilliance.