Usage, description and more for Roger

Gender: Male     Origin: French
Also available in German, Catalan, French, Norwegian Bokmål, Dutch, Polish, Swedish,

Roger is used in

ATAustria CHSwitzerland DEGermany CACanada GBUnited Kingdom NZNew Zealand USUnited States ESSpain FRFrance NONorway BEBelgium PLPoland SESweden

Countries where Roger has name day

Roger has a name day in ATAustria and Roger's next name day is Mars 1 (next year).
Roger has a name day in DEGermany and Roger's next name day is January 4 (next year).
Roger has a name day in FRFrance and Roger's next name day is December 30.
Roger has a name day in NONorway and Roger's next name day is January 4 (next year).
Roger has a name day in PLPoland and Roger's next name day is November 15.
Roger has a name day in SESweden and Roger's next name day is June 2.

Origin and Meaning of the Name Roger

The name Roger is of Germanic origin, coming from the Old High German name "Hrodgar" which is composed of the elements "hrod" meaning "fame" and "gar" meaning "spear". The name has been used in various European languages and has gained popularity in English-speaking countries.

Meaning of the Name

The name Roger carries the connotation of a "famous spearman" or "renowned warrior". It reflects qualities of strength, courage, and leadership, often associated with historical figures and heroes.

Popularity and Usage

Roger has been a widely used name throughout history, with its popularity peaking in the mid-20th century. It has been a common choice for boys in English-speaking regions, reflecting its classic and strong appeal.

Famous Namesakes

Several notable individuals bear the name Roger, including the acclaimed British actor Sir Roger Moore and the pioneering American musician Roger Waters. These figures have contributed to the name's enduring legacy and cultural significance.

In conclusion, the name Roger carries a rich history and powerful meaning, making it a timeless choice for parents seeking a name with a strong and distinguished aura.